
更新时间:2024-07-19 11:14




1.表感官的系动词:look, sound, notice,taste, smell, feel(这些词用形容词作表语)

2.表似乎的系动词seem, appear

3.表变化的系动词:become, get, turn, grow, make, come, go, fall, run

4.表依旧的系动词:remain, keep, stay, continue, stand, rest, lie, hold

5.可带名词作表语的系动词:become, make, look, sound, fall, prove, remain, turn(该词后接的单数名词前多不用冠词。如:He turned teacher.)

如果读者对于这个语法现象还是不怎么理解的话,可以以这个名句为例子学学:the man who dies rich dies disgraced.在巨富中死去,是一种耻辱。其中的rich and disgraced 是说明主语的性质的。



He is a teacher. 他是一名教师。(is与补足语一起说明主语的身份。)


用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep, rest, remain, stay, lie, stand, 例如:

He always kept silent at meeting.  他开会时总保持沉默。

This matter rests a mystery.  此事仍是一个谜。


He looks tired.  他看起来很累。

He seems (to be) very sad.  他看起来很伤心。


感官系动词(以描述感觉为主的词)主要有feel, smell, sound, taste, 例如:

This kind of cloth feels very soft.


This flower smells very sweet.



这些系动词表示主语变成什么样,变化系动词主要有become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run.


He became mad after that.  自那之后,他疯了。

She grew rich within a short time.  她没多长时间就富了。



The rumor proved false. 这谣言证实有假。

The search proved difficult. 搜查证实很难。

His plan turned out a success.  他的计划终于成功了。(turn out表终止性结果)

注意:可带名词作表语的系动词be, become, make, look, sound, fall, prove, remain, turn后接的单数名词 前多不用冠词。


appear, be become, fall, feel, get, grow, keep, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste, turn

如: It sounds good.



1、“感官动词”类:look feel smell taste sound等,例如:

(1)The story sounds_______.(MET89)

A.to be true B.as true C.being true D.true

(2)Those oranges taste_______.(MET91)

A.good B.well C.to be good D.to be well

(3)--Are you feeling_______ (NMET92)

--Yes I'm fine now.

A.any well B.any better C.quite good D.quite better

(4)--Do you like the material

--Yes it______very well.(NMET94)

A.is feeling B.felt C.feels D.is felt

(5)--How are you today

--Oh I______as ill as I do now for a very long time.


A.didn't feel B.wasn't feeling

C.don't feel D.haven't felt

(6)--You don't look very______.Are you ill?

--No I'm just a bit tired.(北京春招2003)

A.good B.well C.strong D.healthy

(7)The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if

______whether he was going in the right direction.


A.seeing B.having seen C.to have seen D.to see

解析 此七题的答案分别是DABCDBD。此类半系动词通常可以直接搭配形容词或like或asif等结构。此类半系动词一般不使用进行时或被动语态。第(7)题的asif后实际上省略了hewanted.

2、“状态变化”类:get turn go come become grow fall make等,例如:

(1)--How long_____each other before they______married?

--For about a year.(NMET93)

A.have they known; get

B.did they know; were going to get

C.do they know; are going to get

D.had they known; got

(2)Cleaning women in big cities usually get_____by the hour.(NMET98)

A.pay B.paying C.paid D.topay

(3)As we joined the big crowd I got______from my friends.(NMET2001)

A.separated B.spared C.lost D.missed

(4)Becareful when you cross this very busy street. If not

you may______run over by a car.(北京春招2002)

A.have B.get C.become D.turn

(5)--How are the team playing?

--They are playing well but one of them______hurt.


A.got B.gets C.are D.were

解析 此五题的答案分别是DCABA。由此可见get后搭配过去分词构成系表结构是非常常见的一种搭配形式。它常表示一种状态,不强调动作。

3、“保持不变”类:stay lie stand keep remain continue等,例如:

(1)Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old

couple but it remains______whether they will enjoy it.


A.to see B.to be seen C.seeing D.seen

(2)--Mummy can I put the peaches in the cupboard?

--No dear.They don't______well. Put them in the

fridge instead.(2002北京春招)

A.keep B.fit C.get D.last

(3)Why don't you put the meat in the fridge?

It will______fresh for several days.(NMET2003)

A.be stayed B.stay

C.be staying

D.have stayed

解析 此三题的答案分别是BAB。此类半系动词后常搭配形容词、副词不定式结构。

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